
Dalian, China will do the world’s Flower Gardening Forum

Dalian Municipal People’s Government and the American Horticultural Group and other units of Paul co-sponsored the theme of “city beautiful life colorful green future” of the World flower Gardening Forum will be held August 2 to 5 held in Dalian.

The forum is very strong lineup of guests. According to forum organizers, Paul century gardening (Dalian) Co., Ltd. Chairman Zhang Weidong introduced the world’s largest flower garden multinational corporations – American Horticultural Group President Paul Anna Paul will attend the meeting and the future of the world flower industry trends keynote speech. In addition to Anna Paul, the Forum will invite 18 European flower industry personalities as guest speakers, these guests from abroad, government agencies, industry organizations, universities, landscape design and construction business, flowers, nursery stock producers, integrated horticultural enterprises and media, including the United States Federation of flower production and landscape, executive vice president, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Robert Road, Lisi, United States Garden City Association President Ma Wen Miller, City of Chicago Department of Natural Resources Director, Bureau of Parks安德姆施沃诺, and the dozen published monographs of international gardening guru, University of Georgia professor Alan Armitage and so on. Forum lineup of strong, high standards and high in the areas of broad, similar meetings at home and abroad is rare.

Currently flower research, a huge gap between applications and abroad, so this forum has set up a “flower plants for human survival and development impact”, “flowering plants in the landscape of the application of innovation”, “flower of new technologies and new modes of production” and “Landscape Design and Landscape Architecture to enhance the important role of the urban environment” and four speakers. Presentation of each topic content taught by experts in the field of the most cutting-edge contemporary gardening, the most popular ideas to the domestic industry to understand the world horticultural next development.

Such as “flower plants for human survival and development impact” of the topic, speakers introduce foreign Garden City building in the public life and community harmony to bring out some changes at the same time, will present and discuss the plants and landscaping to reduce crime occurred, to improve mental health, enhance creativity, improve academic performance in school, clean the air, the role of accelerated rehabilitation, the topic is very new. The “flowering plants in the landscape of the application of innovation” theme, the participants will be able to learn to subvert the domestic landscape beautification of the traditional concept of annual, perennial flowers and ornamental grasses, ornamental nursery stock with green applied.

In addition, the Forum will introduce the core of the organization by the United States, many small and medium producers to form consortium to jointly capture the market’s success stories, which is currently scattered and not our strong horticultural enterprise is undoubtedly a reference.

Forum will be held over the same period, “2011 Dalian International Flower Exhibition-cum-new technology of new varieties of seed companies of the Tenth Pan Am new varieties of chinese exhibition” to the main heat-resistant varieties, showing a total of more than 1000 varieties of colors. Meanwhile, the show at the Pan American Seed Company will merge with Kaifu Te seed companies for the first time demonstrated Kwai hibiscus foliage, foliage plants ghost flute, the South African marigold, Xia Jin, large chrysanthemum flowers and other varieties of New Heaven , which for the domestic flower industry is a excellent study opportunities.

It is reported that the current global city of Dalian is implementing the development strategy and continue to build the “Forest City, Garden Community” efforts to build livable landscape of coastal tourism and international city; great efforts to give priority to strengthen the flower industry as the leading urban modern agriculture, and strive to build Dalian into a truly international flower center. Participants will also visit Dalian major roads and attractions of the new varieties of flower arrangement and landscape applications.
